Monday, March 30, 2009


Today I watched a little girl stumble across the church gym as she practiced her newest endeavor- walking. With her arms extended forward and her eyes focused, she lifted each leg, knees going as high as her waist, and then plummeted them back down. Were it not for her auburn hair and little porcelain face she would have looked like a marching zombie. Every few steps she stumbled, then she would catch herself or fall all the way down. Her eyes never changed though. They stayed fixed and determined straight ahead of her, willing her back up with each stumble. Around and around the gym she went, marching forward with all her effort. Her courage, her determination, and her ignorance to anyone who might be viewing her imperfect performance told me that she wanted something and she believed in it- and that was all that mattered.

Later this evening I was reading "The Screwtape Letters" and I read this quote-

"He (God) wants them to walk and must therefore take away His hand, and if only the will to walk is really there He is pleased even with their stumbles."